To make your workdays interesting, of course getting some plants is a wonderful idea. But the common question is can orchids live in an office with no windows? Can a money tree survive in an office without windows? 

Well, those are familiar and a matter of concern. Primarily it’s difficult to have enough sunlight at the office. Indoor plants don’t need direct sunlight, so orchids or money trees can survive.  In some places, you don’t actually have access to a window. Then you have to think about the best indoor plants for offices with no windows including orchids and money trees.

Best indoor plants for office with no windows

Here we dug around extensively to deliver the best plants that grow in fluorescent light offices. We have included a list of the best indoor plants for offices with no windows. Each of them will flawlessly be placed with your official vibe. 

Moreover, we will provide no light indoor plant care tips and tricks.  You can select the best indoor plants for offices with no windows from our website. We must ensure that their color, texture, and substance are unique as you want. So, let’s drag to the leading point. 

 Best indoor plants for office with no windows

1. Ivy

The ivy is the best succulents for an office desks with no windows. It’s one of the easiest indoor plants to thrive. You don’t need high maintenance, also drought tolerant, excellent as an indoor plant. According to a study by the Department of Zoology, St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, India, its extract redresses inflammation and arthritis.

It also encloses antiallergic, antioxidants, and antispasmodic elements. It can also be borrowed for cough, asthma, allergies, and bronchitis. Ivy will look attractive and presentable as small desk plants that don’t need sunlight. Almost, low light or medium sunlight and 1 cup of water about once a week will be the perfect volume. Truly, we picked ivy at the first position because it needs small space and can adapt to any soil type. 

With low maintenance, you can also trim it to the desired pattern to fit wherever you want it to! Ivy is mostly assigned to the skin to treat burns, infection, joint pain, swelling, and nerve pain. Like bronchitis and asthma, its extract improves lung function and herbalists. Maximum researchers claim that it can eliminate VOCs like benzene, toluene, octane, and trichloroethylene. 

Which will assure a fresh environment in your office room. The heart shape and green leaves will boost your mood when you come into the office each day, even satisfactorily. Which you can’t avoid.

2. Snake Plant

Snake plants are strategically placed for adornment and to maintain a cooler atmosphere. But did you know that it has so many fitness benefits?

Firstly, the snake plant is well known for both glancing good and improving air integrity. Snake Plant is a common indoor plant, in Asia and Africa. Its evergreen sword-shaped unique leaves grow upright and barely resemble artificial foliage. 

Snake plants are often used as indoor scenery. Since they’re pleasing to the eye and are easy to care for. And it requires little water to survive. That’s why we have selected snake plants for rooms without windows. Snake plants help to purify indoor air. What’s extraordinary about this particular plant? It’s one of the limited plants that can renovate carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen at night. 

This quality compels it to be the best indoor plant for an office with no windows. Since it can help restrain healthy airflow. The snake plant is the best succulents for office desk with no windows indoor plant because it’s so manageable to care for. According to NatureID botanist Halina Shamshur, snake plants can withstand both shade and direct sunlight, underwatering, and dry air. 

They also don’t compel frequent repotting and scarcely ever get infested. We chose snake plants that have the ability to help reduce toxic air pollutants. Snake plants can consume CO2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene which are cancer-causing pollutants.

3. Pothos

Do you need a plant that will grow quickly? Pothos plants are an effortless solution in just about any space. In your indoor formats, pothos will add solace. Pothos plants are some of the simplest plants to care for. They grow quickly without much care or elements. 

Pothos plants go by several names including ivy and Scindapsus aureus.  Mostly, pothos is popular for their heart-formed leaves and fast-growing vines. The leaves are about 5 inches broad. But in its native habitats, it can stretch up to 3 feet.

Pothos plants are excellent to decorate Office with no windows ideas including wall sconces and hanging baskets. However, pothos has softened glowing leaves often with cream-colored variegation. It can easily creep around an entire room or climb a wall touching the ceiling. That will create a natural vibe to cheer up your mood. 

4. Maidenhair Fern

Then we added Maidenhair ferns in the fourth position of your list. It has delicate fan-shaped leaf segments, typically massed on wiry black stems. And their leaves are tinier than other types of ferns. Being one of the most outstanding fern indoor plants, the maidenhair fern can also be found in nature.

Maidenhair fern is a portion of the Adiantum genus. That includes over 200 varieties of ferns cultivated around the world. From the Greek letter “adiantos” the genus name was derived. That means “unwetted”—an apt description for the fern since its leaves repel water.

Do you know about its specialty? It thrives in places where other plants typically don’t, like on rock walls. And sometimes it grows between rock fissures where the moisture saves them to be alive. Though they are visually impressive, they are considered a slow-growing fern. Typically, it can take up to three years to achieve full mature size. 

Maidenhair ferns are dedicated plants with very slight fronds and a lace-like appearance. They’re considered burly ferns, rather than ferns preferring steamier conditions. Maidenhair ferns can be hard to keep healthy indoors, for their particular growing situations. The vital environmental factor to care about is humidity—it grows on moisture. 

You’ll have to find the perfect indoor spot for the plant. The small leaves of maidenhair ferns are very touchy. The leaves will imply if it’s not positioned well. When the air is too dry and the plant will require more moisture and humidity.

5. Philodendron

Philodendron is for indoor relief and a refreshing environment. Philodendrons are an enormous family of plants to become familiar with! There’s a lot of variation within the genus. But they tend to have green foliage in some kind of arrow, heart, or pear shape with prominent cuttings.

You must memorize that when you’re watering and fertilizing your Philodendrons. Roughly half its moisture and nutrients should be regulated via misting. Philodendrons improve the condition of the air you breathe. 

The color green in real forms have been linked to feelings of indoor office rooms. And it is strongly attributed to health. Thus, the best No light indoor plants that make your office climate fresh and integral. The Green Wonder and the Green Sweetheart Plants are also favorable ways to go about it. We claim it best because it has been well-reported that nature is beneficial to our mental fitness. 

Philodendron’s big, textured leaves aren’t just fair to look at. They’re incredible at absorbing toxins too. They are known for being foliage kings. If you keep your Philodendron lightly misted, once every 5-7 days, it will add humidity to the air. Warding off ailments such as dry skin conditions and respiratory crises that are provoked by dryness. 

6. Cacti

If you ask about cacti, I just have to get personal here. Of course, cacti will steal your heart with their beauty and different appearances. Let’s see how lovely cacti is!

Is it a low-maintenance indoor plant? Of Course, they are. And still, you will find them so outstanding, magnificent, and varied from all the other indoor plants. They have about 150 genera and over 2500 cactus species for you to select from! They do like sunlight, but can also live and grow in low-light habitats. It is the best succulents for office desks with no windows which need little water and fertilization. 

So, you don’t need to find extra time to take care. Besides that, they grow gradually. But they are beautiful at every term of their growth. Some of them blush, so they will even add some coloring to your office desk. You won’t face any hassle keeping them in the limited space of your office desk. You just need to be sensible not to overwater and use the right soil mix. Sometimes, homemade fertilizer mixed with soil won’t be accurate. 

Don’t worry there are a lot of soil mixes on the market designed extremely for cacti. You can get one of them. There are a lot of soil mixes on the market formulated especially for cacti, so our advice is to buy one of them. Of course, you can make your own, if you are interested in exploration! You can find different formulae all over the internet. And you’re cordially welcome for this option.

7. Rex Begonia

Among the many types of begonias, Begonia rex is one of the most fantastic No light indoor plants. And we will claim it as the most dramatic plant. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias. These plants are recognized for their variegated leaves. They often have large leaves up to 6 inches long. Leaves are dazzlingly colored in various shades of green, red, silver, and even purple. 

These plants are grown almost entirely for their foliage. Their blooms grow to be small and less showy. On the other hand, many farmers pinch off blooms to sustain breathtaking leaf displays.

If planting outdoors, do so in May after frosts, but plant anytime indoors. These plants have a moderate progress rate. They may grow to less than 12 inches in a year. You have to be sensible about splashy rex begonia because it’s toxic to animals. Begonias are growing in popularity and variation. They are mostly incredible for all types of growing. 

8. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is one of the easiest plants to grow on the planet. Whether it can survive in natural light, artificial lights or nearly no light at all! After getting the proper growing container, you need to maintain it clean and change out the water every few months. And in the end, you’ll be profitable with small desk plants that don’t need sunlight the lucky bamboo. 

You can find lots of people who keep their lucky bamboo in a rounded pot in their bathroom with no windows or corridor. Basically just squeezed in some small rocks, and it’s done great.

Mostly, lucky bamboo is pretty common in big-box stores. You can also head over to Amazon or Etsy for a starter bunch of lucky bamboo. 

9. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a gorgeous tropical plant that grows in artificial light. They create a uniquely shaped white flower. 

It’s a pretty low-maintenance plant and small desk plants that don’t need sunlight. But peace lily does need just a bit of extra attention to maintain soil that’s moist but not wet. That typically clarifies watering about once a week, but a moisture meter, like this one from Gouevn, can limit you from resorting to guesswork.

Peace lily also admires misting a couple of times per week and a dose of fertilizer every month or two during the growing season. Move your peace lily into a larger pot every spring.

Again, this is another easy-to-find plant at many physical stores. Amazon offers them as well, like this one from American Plant Exchange. On Etsy, check out seller Pretty in Green Plants which offers a couple of pot options to choose from.

10. Spider Plant

As they grow, spider plants generate runners with air roots that can become brand-new, independent spider plants. These runners carry a spray of long leaves, like their mother plant. And they look just like spiders dangling on a silk thread. Hence the name “spider plant.”

Give water around every week or two or when the top inch of soil is dry. Fertilize with a half-dose of houseplant fertilizer 1 to 2 times a month during the spring and summer.

Spider plants are usually the best succulents for office desks with no windows.

It needs repotting about every 2 years, and it doesn’t mind being snug in its container. In fact, crowding in the pot will often bring more runners for an impressive display.

You should have no trouble at all finding a spider plant to buy. 

Of course, spider plants are readily handy online. You can get it from anywhere Dose of Succulents on Etsy, or from California Tropicals on Amazon.

11. Peacock Plant

Calathea makoyana is also known as the peacock plant. It’s a plant with colorful leaves that has obtained its name. There are several variations of this color, including a pale green. It’s the best succulents for an office desks with no windows.

Calathea is a brighter green, and a darker version of it as well. Their pattern almost makes you think they are the feathers of a peacock since they are so beautiful. Commonly, too much direct light alters the hue of those leaves, making them look dull and pale. It is sufficient to use a lower or medium level of Office plant light .

12. Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

Aglaonema or Chinese evergreen is known as a “plant of steel” due to its ease of growing. There are several different color options available. It also has silvery or white coloring including pink.

According to Clemson Cooperative Extension, it’s very tolerant to poor light, drought, dry air, and small desk plants that don’t need sunlight. That makes it an exact stunning Interior plant for the office. Plan to water your Chinese evergreen roughly every week or two. Even your plant will thrive without fertilizing. But you can give a half-strength dose twice a year if you desire.

These plants are not fast growers, so you can get away with repotting only every 2 years. Chinese evergreens are usually simple to find wherever plants are sold. But mostly it is found in the pink varieties more often than the silver ones. But you can get the exact variation which you want any time online. Silver Bay variety from Costa Farms on Amazon, and pink-tinged Siam Aurora variety from Tropical Plants FL on Etsy can easily get.

13. Dumb Cane

The last one is the Dumb Canes plant which prefers indirect Office plant light. It can make your home office feel glamorous. Their large patterned leaves look breathtaking and add a tropical vibe to indoor spaces. In offices, they can even double as partitions.

It can be great for your official use. Despite their beauty, these plants are not suitable for households with pets and children. Its poisoning effect of raphides can cause temporary inability to speak.

Benefits of office plants

We can’t imagine our existence without trees. Your indoor office plants will

  • Help to curtail stress. 
  • Assist to increase productivity.
  • Help to decrease sickness and absence rates. 
  • Make workspaces more impressive to job applicants. 
  • Provide clean air. 
  • Help to lower noise levels.
  • Boost creativity.

Plant Selection

Ivy, snake plant, Pothos plants, Mandarine fern are small desk plants that don’t need sunlight and are best for any indoor situation. When you need to find that simply going plant, they can be the perfect pick. Decorate your office in different creative ways. And have your favorite plants used in your indoor landscaping arrangements.

The ultimate guide to Interior plants for office 


Most of the time, people are worried they aren’t watering enough. When in fact they are watering far too much! Plants don’t want to have “wet feet,” a peaceful term for when their roots are totally saturated from sitting in a puddle for days. Most no light indoor plants would like being slightly dry rather than soaking wet.

That means a watering schedule of once or twice a week is acceptable for most plants. During the winter months, a plant generally only needs watering a few times a month.

Purchasing an easy spray bottle is also helpful for indoor plants. An Office plant light misting once or twice a day is usually helpful. Remember that we’re trying to simulate the normal environment for these plants. And that implies humidity and misting! Some plants want extra water, and some want less. 


Soil is a bit of a misnomer when it comes to the thriving media used for no light indoor plants. The credible growing media is soil-less. And it is a mixture of equal parts peat moss, vermiculite/perlite, and compost.

Espoma is our go-to choice for most gardening needs. They happen to have an outstanding all-purpose potting mix. That works well for houseplants, which is available on Amazon.

Orchids are notoriously particular with their potting medium. There aren’t as many “one size fits all” options for orchid thriving media. But a good combination for orchids is a well-drained combination with plenty of room for the roots to breathe.


In their natural forest environment, indoor office plants primarily collect a bit of shade and partial sunlight. 

To successfully grow the fern indoors, try and mimic these conditions by revealing a spot in your office that obtains indirect sunlight only. You need to avoid harsh light or direct sun rays, as the delicate leaves or plants can burn very effortlessly. 

However, too little light leads to poor growth and yellowing fronds. Try to find a spot that receives indirect morning or afternoon sun. But be careful, most of them dislike cold drafts!

Temperature and Humidity

These plants compel very warm, humid air. Mimic is ideal for conditions. Alternatively, you can place the potted plant near a humidifier or top a tray of wet pebbles to enhance humidity levels. 


Mostly It’s not necessary to fertilize no light indoor plants, as the plant will do just ok without it. However, do you want to provide it? Then add a dose of nutrients, feed with a balanced, diluted blend of fertilizer once a month. 

Frequently  Asked Questions

What are the best plants for offices with no windows?

Truly speaking there is no particular best plant for an office with no windows. But we will suggest either Ivy, Snake Plant, Pothos, Maidenhair Fern, Philodendron, and Calathea or whatever you chose.

Are there interior plants for offices that do not require soil to grow?

Lucky bamboo and pothos are some of them which don’t need any soil. Growing your no light indoor plants exclusively in water is possible as long as you fulfill a few easy necessities. If you stick to these easy-to-care-for plants that grow in water, you won’t need a tricky hydroponics setup.

What is the most common reason that office plants die?

Offensive watering is often the reason for the sudden death of plants. If you forgot to water for a certain time, it’s possible that the roots dried up. However, too much water is often accused of dying container plants.

Final words

Planting will reduce your boredom and evergreen will cheer up your mood. Moreover, you can choose an easy way of plating with water Small desk plants that don’t need sunlight. So, what are you waiting for? If you still wonder about different things on the matter. Don’t hesitate to reach us or comment down below. We’ll be glad to be in touch with you.

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